Mindful Eating

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful Eating develops your awareness of eating habits. Many of us lead busy lives which can lead to more mindless eating habits. This can  a result in us not recognising when we are satisfied from food ,and as a result we tend to eat more. Below is a table of mindless eating compared to mindful eating. 

Mindless Eating

Mindful Eating

Ignoring what our body is telling  us about fullness and continuing to eat

Paying attention to our bodies and stopping when we feel “satisfied”

Eating is driven by our emotions e.g. boredom, sad, lonely

Eating is driven by what my body needs e.g. physical sensations, low energy, stomach growling

Eating at random times and places, no pattern to my eating

Eating at set times and places, there is a regular pattern to my eating

Eating foods that are emotionally comforting

Eating foods that are nutritionally healthy

Eating whilst distracted e.g. watching TV, checking phone

When eating, just eating e.g. focusing on purely eating using all my senses

Steps to Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating - Short Film