
Chat Points

  • Important to drink enough daily
  • Aim for 2 -3 pints or 1.5 - 2.0 litres each day
  • Lack of fluid (dehydration) can cause tiredness, confusion, and constipation amongst other things
  • Choice of fluid is important - some drinks are high in sugar which can lead to weight gain if drunk often
  • Water, tea or watery coffee (with little or no sugar), or very diluted juice are all good choices 
  • Pure fruit juices and smoothies should be limited to 150 mls per day as they are high in naturally occurring sugar which can affect body weight and also our teeth
  • Regular fizzy drinks are very high in sugar which again can affect weight and also teeth
  • 'Diet' drinks are low in sugar but if they're fizzy they can still be bad for teeth

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