What Causes Obesity?

The balance between calorie consumed and energy burned determines a person's weight. If a person eats more calories than he or she burns (metabolizes), the person gains weight (the body will store the excess energy as fat). If a person eats fewer calories than he or she metabolizes, he or she will lose weight. Therefore, the most common causes of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity.

However there are many factors that can influence our weight and predispose us to being overweight and we can sometimes have little or no control over. Our environment, as well as social and psychological reasons can also influence our weight as well as biological reasons.

Environmental influence- we live in an environment today which makes us vulnerable to becoming overweight as food is now readily available and cheap. The environment has also changed in terms of how much physical work we now undertake.

Social factors- changes in lifestyle e.g. ability to give up smoking, undertake physical activity, the influence and impact of our family and relationships.

Psychological factors – early childhood experiences as well as our level of stress in our lives can increase our vulnerability to become overweight. Our eating habits and impact of previous attempts can also be a factor.

Biological - There can be a genetic influences as well as medication and ill health can also influence weight gain.

The more you understand the influences on your eating behaviour and weight, the more prepared you will be to make the changes to your lifestyle.