What is Obesity?

Obesity isn’t an individual problem, it’s a global problem. Across the world it’s estimated that more than one and a half billion people are overweight or obese. Obesity is an issue facing an increasing number of people. It’s a common problem in the UK that’s estimated to affect around one in every four adults and around one in every five children aged 10 to 11.

Obesity is a condition that some people can struggle with for many years. It’s defined by having an excess amount of body fat. A certain amount of body fat is necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption, and other functions. However, an excess amount of body fat can have a negative impact on your health.

There are many ways in which a person’s health in relation to their weight can be classified, but the most widely used method is body mass index (BMI).

Losing what seems like a small amount of weight, such as 5% or more of your original body weight, and maintaining this for life, can significantly reduce your risk of developing obesity-related complications like diabetes and heart disease.