Some Strategies for Managing Stress

If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, seeking professional help can support you in managing effectively. Do not be afraid to seek professional help if you feel that you are no longer able to manage things on your own. Below are some strategies that might be useful to try:

  1. Identify what your priorities are. You may have many tasks that require attention. Decide which need your immediate attention and those that can wait. Also think about the tasks that are important but easy to put off but could make a big difference to your quality of life. For example spending time with friends, finding time for myself.
  2. Know what you value in your life according to aspects in your life that you value the most. Think about the different aspects of your life including relationships, work, leisure and how you would wish these to look/be.
  3. Identify stressful situations and when they arise use this as a trigger to perhaps practice some breathing or mindful exercises
  4. Focus on small pleasures. If you like to go for a walk pay attention to the experience of this walk, taking in the whole experience, the smells and sounds around you.
  5. Try to get enough sleep, people who sleep less than five hours a night are more likely to struggle to implement the other strategies suggested and more vulnerable to physical side effects such as high blood pressure and increased appetite

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