About Healthy Weight

Key Chat Points

  • Discuss current weight/s - referring to Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference measurements can help to inform discussion. 
  • 5% or 10% weight loss targets are 'doable', sensible and can bring noticable benefits (for example clothes might fit better, or joints might be less sore)
  • Losing 10% of starting weight can lead to health benefits (for example can lessen the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and can improve blood pressure and cholesterol and blood sugar levels)
  • A sensible rate of weight loss is around  1 - 2 pounds per week (0.5 - 1.0kg) 
  • Regular weighing is helpful - you notice sooner if your weight has increased when it's easier to take action
  • Discuss local options for regular weighing - this could include a self- supporting local group, work colleagues, local community pharmacy, healthpoint.

Useful Handouts